
   Other Topics

© Copyright Robert Vasvari, 1993-2005.

RBrowser Inspector Panel

This panel shows information about the selected file or folder in the selected (or current) viewer.

The top portion shows the name of the file, followed by the full path.

Link to:
If the selected file is a symbolic link, this field will show the target of the link.

Size of the selected file or folder (if known).

Compute size:
This button is enabled if a folder is selected. If pressed, it starts a background process to find the size of the selected folder (recursively). When the operation is finished, the the size field is updated.

Shows the owner of the selected file. This field is not meaningful if connected to a non-UNIX host.

Shows the group of the selected file. This field is not meaningful if connected to a non-UNIX host.

Type - Creator:
Certain files on the local host will have HFS attributes set, most important of whom are the type and creator that are used to associate documents with applications. These attributes can be changed/added/deleted in the Inspector using the Apply button.

If the remote host is some flavor of UNIX, this field will contain the standard UNIX permission matrix, showing permissions of the selected file or folder. If the selection is a folder, the "Apply to files inside the selection" button will also appear.

There are two modes for setting permissions:

1: if the selection is a file, the cells in the matrix have two states: ON (check mark) or OFF (x). In this state, the check boxes and the popup buttons representing the octal codes are synchronized, such that if either control is changed, the other shows the change as well.

2: if there are multiple files selected, or the selection is a folder and the "Apply to files inside the selection" button is checked the cells have a third state: NO CHANGE (-). Here, things are a little more complicated. There are two ways to make permission changes:

  • Use the checkboxes to make selective permission changes. Since the selected files can have different permissions, we cannot display what they all are, also for recursive permission changes we may only want to touch certain bits, like turn on user read but leave everything the way it is. In this case the files after the permission change will still have different permissions. Bits represented by the dashes will not be touched in this case!
  • The popups are set to show "---" initially. If they are changed, they will represent the new permissions value to be set on ALL member of the selection, including recursively in the selected folders. The checkboxes are disabled in this case they just show the same permissions as the popups.

If changes are made in either of the group, owner or permissions fields, the "Apply" buttons will be enabled.

The  This get  when there is a multiple selection, or a single selection that is a folder and the recursive button is set. Since the selected files can have different permissions, we cannot display what they all are, also for recursive permission changes we may only want to touch certain bits, like turn on user read but leave everything the way it is. In this case the files after the permission change will still have different permissions. However, there are situations where you want to set permissions to be the same on all selected files regardless of what they were before. In these cases the octal setting using the popup buttons will come in really handy..

Apply: apply the new settings.

Revert: keep the old settings.

Changed: Shows the date the selection was last modified.

Open In Application:

In this matrix you can pick an application to open the selected file with. For instance, right now the selected file is an html document. RBrowser shows you all the applications which claim to be able to open html documents. The default app will always be first. This is the app that will open the document if you just double click on it in the File Viewer window.

A single click on an app tile will select the tile, and show you the full path of the application.

A double click will open the document in the app clicked on.

The "Set Default" button will make the selected app the default to open this kind of file (gif in this case). The setting will effect RBrowser only!